Monday, December 22, 2008

Herbal Medicine? Does Natural mean safer?

Today, many people seek an alternative route to medicine. This may happen for various reasons. Conventional medicine may not be providing the answers they seek, or it may be too expensive and out of reach of the patient's finances to explore.

For whatever reason, thousands of patients are exploring the role of alternative medicine such as herbal remedies. But is this a step in the right direction? Many would claim that it is. However, does the sales clerk at your local herbal store have the knowledge of a Shaman? Be an informed consumer! Many patients are not aware of the fact that the herbal medicine industry is not regulated (United States or Canada). What this means is that bottle you are holding in your hand at the herbal drug store may or may not contain the levels of product they claim. It can also mean that other herbal drug products may be contained in that liquid, pill, capsule that are not listed in the ingredients.

It also means that the herbal drug manufactures can make claims of their product that do not have to have controlled double blind studies proving these claims. So it is a case of buyer beware! Some herbal remedy producers are now asking the medical "establishment" to do double blind studies on their products and I applaud this move. It shows that some of these herbal medicine companies are respecting their future patients enough to prove their claims and determine the validity of these claims with respect to their products. But don't be fooled by double blind studies done by the herbal medicine company themselves. Some companies have set up internal "medical establishments" to make claims that their products have undergone "double blind studies" when in fact it's the same company involved with the double blind studies. In these cases you have to wonder if there is a "conflict of interest"? Of course they will find their claims backed up, it's financially profitable for them to do so!

We, as patients, also need to be educated consumers! Looking into the pros and cons of each herbal remedy is important. Reading up on these products and not relying on our local health food store "shaman's" word is critical. Involving our conventional doctors and druggists in our decision is imperative! They need to know! There are drug and herbal medicine interactions just like there are drug/drug interactions. Our conventional doctors and druggists also might be able to help us find information such as confirmed double blind studies we can review prior to taking a herbal medication so that we can make an informed decision about the product. These health professionals are your "Resource Team", use them, consult with them, and make sure they know all the medications you are taking, even those considered "alternative." Some herbal medicine and drug interactions can be life threatening. Don't put your life in jeopardy, it's the only one you've got!

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